
Home/Calcium Carbonate Milling Line
Nano-calcium grinding mill production line
Product Introduction
Nano-calcium grinding mill production line integrated crushing system and grading system, the grinding and classification share a series aggregate, dust, the wind system. By automatically adjusting the grading machine supporting the damper to adjust the degree of vacuum suction fan generated, thereby regulating the screening effect classifier, to achieve on a grading machine can achieve different screening effect; the same time, by optimizing the grading machine and grinder the parts of the structure, the grader out of substandard material discharge port and mill directly connected by the discharge valve, so that classifier can back out and pulverized. Making the production line is only supporting a crush + classification device to complete the required production, the entire process may be in sealing stage, no dust pollution, and improve production efficiency and greatly simplifies the equipment components, reducing equipment energy consumption, improve the the stability of equipment operation.

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