
Home/Superfine Classification Equipment
HTG Series Turbine Classifier
Product Introduction

HTG series turbine classifier with secondary air and high-precision turbine, can be the most fine of up to 3 microns thin material, the use of special materials, rotor scalable high hardness materials, widely used in chemical, pharmaceutical, food, and other non-metallic minerals superfine powder processing industry in classifying, in addition to iron, selection and so on.
1. This machine is a dry feed air classifier, with the current world's most advanced turbine classifier principle with secondary air and a continuously variable turbine grading, grading turbine coupled thereto with an internal initiative, the world's leading dynamic airflow sealing device, high-grade precision, wide grade range of product size can be adjusted between the 3 ~ 150um. Under normal circumstances, be able to obtain less than 5um, content of more than 97 percent of ultra-fine powder;
2, classification of the impeller blades using a special high-strength wear-resistant materials, which greatly improves the stability of high-speed operation, longer life, and cohesion when dealing with viscous material, greatly reducing the soot deposited on the feed tube;
3, the use of computer-aided design of the present series of high efficiency turbine classifier structure is more compact, more convenient operation, advanced turbine volute design makes noise grader smaller, running very smooth;
4, can be composed of a closed loop system with a variety of mechanical mill or a jet mill, it can also be processed separately classified material;
5, the machine occupies less space, simple structure, easy to operate, less wearing parts, low cost;
6, vibration, low noise, smooth operation, easy maintenance, cleaning, high degree of automation.

Tel:0575 83152666 Whatsapp:0086-013587365973 Fax:0575-83152666 E-mail:sales@zjleap.com;zjleap0828@126.com Skype:scottyuan0828
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